Out of the corner of our eye, we spotted a teeny bat on the ground, covered in sticky spiderweb and debris. The kids screamed and I carefully approached the flying mammal. Before we started traveling, I was a wildlife rehabber and saving animals makes my heart smile. What makes it smile even bigger is showing my children how to treat animals. Keep a safe distance and being careful to not touch it, I carefully helped remove the sticky residue that was impeding its freedom, offered it some water and moved it away from dogs on the property. We wished it good luck and hoped we’d see it again, this time flying and eating all these damn mosquitos in town. by mali.mish

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TsAtIX

May is the hottest month of the year here. The sun is scorching, the humidity is high and the rainy season has not quite kicked it yet to help with the temperatures. Instead of pushing ourselves to see more of Mexico before we leave in July, we decided to take it slow. For the first time since we made the road our home, we’ve decided to rent a house for a month. Dan gets to spy on and possibly surf the Mexican Pipeline, the kids get a pool and I get a palapa with a fridge full of Dos Equis. by mali.mish

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1sswfLc

Our tourist visa expires in less than two months and we need to plan our next move. For some unknown reason, truck campers not registered as a RV like ours have been denied reentry recently at Mexico’s various southern borders. So we sit here (in a mosquito free hotel room) avoiding the 100 degree and high humidity weather outside trying to figure out our next move. by mali.mish

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZJv6ca